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They are the most over-protective brothers in history. I often feel like I am queen and they are my personal guards,except that I can't order them around, like a queen. which hardly seems fair. Needless to say, they have never let me near enough to a boy to be in a relationship.
This one time, one brother, George, said on me over a boy I had my first kiss with, as if a girl couldn't have enough trouble securing a boyfriend.

{why I am using this photo, I do not know}

And so now it was the first day of campus for me and I was ready for it. I mean who hasn't been ready for a great time in campus!
I went to the living room and there he was, Merck.
HIM: So are you ready to rock your life in campus?
ME: Hell yeah, cant wait to see all the cute boys faces.
HIM: No way! you cant talk to any boys except for Thomas.
( see now, Thomas you wonder who he is. Thomas is one of our brothers, at least we make it look like it. He actually is our mothers' best friends' kid. He was brought into our lives at our very young age when his mother passed. sometimes I wished he were my real brother as he wasn't the uptight one and always made sure I was happy)
ME: Do you want to kill my social life?
HIM: What social life?
ME: Exactly my point! I have none and this is my opportunity to create one!!!!

I am now 20* years old but I feel 8. You'd prolly call me a princess but THE QUEEN would do me good.
But all in all I'd like my brothers to know that we can at times fight like Tom and Jerry but our bond is special and true and it will always remain new because having them in my life is like icing and the cherry.


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