I was nauseous and tingly all over. I was either in love or I had small pox.
My second semester in campus and it is all the time I needed to know the class genius or as you may please chopii, the party animals, the know-it all, back-benchers, class representatives, mean lecturers, dean of students (this one I knew since my day one, keep your dean of students close cause you never know...you might graduate with first class honors without knowing it haha!) , entertainment arena, the lecture halls, master the timetable, master my students' registration number and master the art of smiling. - Yes, smiling. I believe smiling can get you anything.
So I get to interact with some students and filtered out some to form a study group to help with the assignments and discuss on "tough" units.
Here, they have CCTV cameras in the examination halls. Okay,not functioning ones. But wait, why incur such an expense in installation? So Yes, very much functioning ones.
But still you'd find students copying from tiny writings on their palms, little papers containing all the formulas and even a whole booklet or handout from lectures! Unless a lecturer finds you in such mischievous act, you'd walk out the exam room assured of grade A.
So, do those cameras really work rather put into practice? And the way I am jobless they could just give me a part time job of going through the footage after each end of semester examinations so as to discipline such culprits.
But would I be doing justice to myself? I cannot afford to watch a footage of me copying. haha!!!
But just as this Campus Rover Segment by Ian Duncan: How to cheat in an exam, " These invigilators are actually not bad at all. Instead of sneaking in those little papers (mwakenya) and risking disciplinary, just ask. Even if they say NO, what do you have to lose?"
Well, I add to this that you could find yourself a sitting mate during the exams bora you do not talk the entire time. Eat lots of carrots, i hear they are good for eyesight or buy you some "reading spectacles" (I personally own a pair) so you can improve on your copying skills.
Now now, it is during this second semesters' final exam and it happens that my class chopii is standing beside me in the exam hall and everyone is shouting out for his name so he could sit beside them during the exam. At this point I'm just concentrating on dusting out my desk and it took me by surprise when he pointed at me signaling to everyone saying "niko na huyu". I was nauseous and tingly all over. I was either in love or I had small pox.
With all my 7 units beside the chopii throughout the exam and I happened to get 5As and 2Bs and I'm so freaky f* proud of myself. (cmon you just do not expect to get everything out of copying while kinda struggling) Kwanza I'd have gotten like only 2As, 3Bs and 2Cs if I was to "die" alone in that exam room.
I am now in my final year and Mardhit (the chopii) is still my exam savior and am doing just fine. All I'm to do is just sit beside or behind him during the exam to get those As. Forget about my first semisters' results cause boy...!!! haha
Oh, he's Arab by the way, this Mardhit guy and so damn cute you'd wonder ulikosea Mungu nini but hey I just want that first class honors so the thought of his amazing dimples, how he wore his sleeves folded with that glittering masculine wrist watch, breath taking cologne and well groomed hair was out of question, at least for now. I cannot afford to get back to my Cs haha!
Also, I can't wait for our graduation this coming November where I will watch and fantasize about what it would be like to actually be the object of his desire, have him gaze deeply into my eyes and be the reason those breath taking dimples make an appearance.
Till now, I'm nauseous and tingly all over. I am either in Love or I have small pox. haha!
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