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There's so much about Easter I actually dunno what exactly to put across today.
With this Easter I think it'll be the longest weekend ever in 2018. Kwanza with us being Kenyans kuna watu 'watakufa' on Thursday evening and 'wafufuke' on Tuesday, almost literally. The likes of kina Joe Muchiri - okay silly guts, just don't crucify me. 😂
With Easter and the 40 days lent period I think it's more of the same as Ramadhan period for the Muslims.
We all know the Islamic calendar is based on the cycle of the moon. Now, why do Muslims celebrate Ramadhan? First of all, it is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.  And it is believed to be the month the first revelation of the Quran to the prophet Muhammad to have taken place so...
During the Ramadhan period, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, sex and are only allowed to eat very early in the morning before sunrise and in the evening hours,the Iftar meal (now this I know cause nadowea Sana, lol)
This year Ramadhan may actually be on May.


Ever noticed the Easter dates aren't fixed? I hear bora they fall under the first quarter of the year.
Early Christians wanted to observe Easter around the time of the Jewish festival of Passover as that is when the last supper is thought to have taken place. As the Hebrew calendar is based on both solar and lunar cycles, Passover changes each year and that in turn makes Easter change too.
Ebu kwanza get yourself this series, DIG.
Issa Must watch, there's just something about it.

Can you tell why Christ was crucified with arms wide open instead of just being straight upwards?  Yeah yeah, thought so. He was actually symbolising Embracing the whole world hence regardless of the sins of mankind, Christ has the heart for us all.
As Christians, Easter is the most celebrated holiday than even Christmas, well, I tend to think.  Easter is the only season in Christian calendar that justify salvation  through crucification and resurrection of Christ.  It is through this that Christians actually have the basis of believing life after death, since Christ had power over death.

Something I've never understood (not stupidity though),  Christ died for our sins yes, let's say on a Friday then resurrected after the third day, wait, sasa ata it's gotten worse, is it that he resurrected On the third day ama After the third day?  Jesus Christ!!! 😂 
Now is this Third day rather after third day on a Sunday ama Monday? Do we count Friday as day one or count 24hours from crucification to make day one on Saturday?  Again, Jesus Christ!!!


By the way, He was crucified on the sixth hour of that day, say that Friday. 
These are the happenings that came along during this hour ( I know this cause back in my primary school days in Ukambani - yeah I had to 😂, we used to make songs to complement our memory on what was being taught more so in C.R.E and Social Studies. Joel David and Mark Kisio can attest to this, lol)
Any who see below and attach your own tune to sing along:
     It was the sixth hour
     The sun stopped shinning
     There was darkness in the whole
     The curtain hanging in the temple
     Was torn into two
     Then Jesus cried in a loud voice
     "Father into thy hands I commit my
     Then Jesus breathe His last

So, how do you celebrate your Easter? Since it is the 'mourning' of Christ' death and celebration of his resurrection all together. 
Is there a specific way as to how we Kenyans celebrate Easter? Na kwanza vile Easter this time will be extending to 1st April (fools day)  are we allowed to carry on with our silly mischievous whatevers on that day?
Btw my birthday is on 24th April.
Many cultures around the world use eggs decorated/painted eggs.  Why you know? To symbolise resurrection of Christ as egg itself is a symbol of new life,  fertility and rebirth.

DOs and DON'Ts during Easter season
There's actually no specific Dos and Don'ts accompanying the Easter holiday.  It totally depends on oneself, your religion, culture and beliefs.
Most people choose to maintain sexual purity by abstaining from sexual activities. Others deviate from eating certain meals, drinks and controlling themselves from activities like partying and the likes - though there are those who fully party throughout the season.


If you don't know what to do during this holiday here are some few tips you could borrow:
1.  Engage in spiritual activities like volunteering in church activities.
2. Visit and provide for the less fortune members of the society.
3. Visit prisoners. - show them love, remind them that they are forgiven and that there's life after prison, better yet, a more improved one from the mistakes they did.
4. Engage in fun activities with friends. Like swimming, nyamchom and the likes.

Shinda hapo ukingoja Easter forbids sex, haha bye! 

(This article was inspired by my colleague Gerald Omondi)



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