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When someone tells you they are experiencing dry spell, it simply means they have just realized they haven't had sex in a while and want to change that probably because they think you are the best option they could have.  So run, and run fast. Well, unless you want to hit or be hit by it. Haha! 
Well well well, public opinion is extremely a mutable thing.

we can go out to feel pretty

We all know that you are most likely to meet people through friends and friends of friends and that you also have to get yourself out there.

we could choose to go with our boyfriends

But bars and clubs seems to offer a better chance of getting noticed, flirting and touching to build sexual attraction more so short - term sexual goals.

By the way, Would you get yourself into a relationship with someone you met in the club?
Actually, I'd say you are too judgmental if you consider all the girls in the club to be sluts.

Note that there's a difference between dressing sexy and dressing trashy. Kwanza men will consider sleeping with the "trashy - looking" girl but also will not afford to bring her home to mama.

also, meet cool photographers

Some girls just go to clubs for the loud music maybe because anaishi kwa ploti and neighbours are too conservative to tolerate loud music haha okay lame, yeah, maybe, whatever! 

But seriously, not all girls in the clubs are night hunters - if you know what I mean.
Think of reasons like the good loud music ( I hear if you can talk and still be audible enough to your friend in the club, then the DJ is not doing it right),  the dancing, birthday parties... I mean, it's all about having fun and a good time. At least from your daily routine of office, maybe school work and home.  

And yes, I know we could do the dancing from home in our rooms but it's just not the same as having music literally being blasted at your eardrums and knowing everyone is in the same mental place as you. 

And to the dudes who go to clubs to purely hunt and get a chips funga, it's up to you to spot girls who are there for the party and those who are there for the after party.

nyamchom is the real deal also

Again, would you consider rather be in a relationship with someone you met in the club?

Also,Drop a comment siting your experiences in the clubs, random experiences.



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