" Usifanye tabia mbaya" As a kid every time I asked permission from my folks to go out and play, that's what they would tell me.
Sex in my time was referred to as tabia mbaya, you would know if you are among the late 80's and early 90's kids. (early 90's ends at 1993,tusibishane)
" Genital sex is an expression of intimacy, not the means to intimacy. True intimacy springs from verbal and emotional communion. True intimacy is built on a commitment to honesty, love and freedom. True intimacy is not primarily a sexual encounter. Intimacy, in fact, has almost nothing to do with our sex organs. A prostitute may expose her body, but her relationships are hardly intimate." Alice Fryling.

At age 7, during my elder sisters' birthday party (she was 19 at the time), I spotted her being kissed by her boyfriend. Trust you me, this almost made me be taken to a psychiatrist or whatever. I labeled her as unholy, dirty, fornicator, you name it. I dint let her talk to me for weeks, I dint let her bath me for weeks, heck, this made me woman up and start doing my own grooming.
Yeah yeah I know it was just a kiss.
In our sex-saturated culture, many unmarried people, especially teenagers, feel pressured to be sexually active forgetting that sexually transmitted diseases, unintended pregnancies and emotional pain are too often the price paid for sex without marriage. Kwanza this FWB thingy!!!

Many would argue that sex is a way for individuals to enjoy each other. Well, I think having sex is no guarantee that the deep emotional intimacy that everyone longs for will develop.
But also, it is personal responsibility on whether or not to engage in sexual activities before marriage. Each person must decide individually whether or not to have sex, with whom and for how long. The only constraint should be whether you are prepared to handle the consequences. You cannot avoid some risks, so you ought to face them honestly, minimize them if you can and take responsibility for the results.
Most likely you will move through a number of sexual relationships before you find one that gives you lasting satisfaction and some people, being the people we are, never find gratification but keep moving from one partner to the next as if a bus station, haha!
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