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I know you probably think i am to talk about sperm or semen leaking out of the vagina after intercourse.
By the way, can you still conceive if sperm leaks out after having sex? And yes, it is normal for sperm to leak out of the vagina after sex because there was enough of the ejaculate, I think.
Again, can you still conceive if sperm leak out? Well, I am no expert in this but if he ejaculates deeply inside you, then no matter how much it leaks out, enough sperm will have reached the cervical mucus. PHEW!

Now you already think I am to talk about Kenya. More so these people like Chebukati, sijui ChiloBAE, IEBC itself. The two main Presidential seat candidates and how sijui who leaked what about FORM THARI FOUR what and what mara Maraga, NAH, I pass.

I have come across so many definitions of a Human Being and that which interested me the most is this; " The only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them." (Samuel Butter)
You cannot even argue with this, because it is you! If you think you are in a position to deny this, then you aren't true to yourself. In fact, you are the most dangerous human being there can be in that case.

I grew up attending Sunday school - this is christian classes aimed at molding children in the word of God just as Madrassa in Islamic. I grew up believing in Heaven & Hell and the existence of God.

So many portraits of Jesus on the wall I actually thought he was my uncle. Okay! Bad joke.

We all have a bunch of weird quirks that we love doing in secret, maybe things we do when no one else is around or looking.
Haha! The most common one to almost all of us is walking around naked in the house, you know, this bathroom to room run.

There is something thrilling about walking past a complete stranger and silently giving them a score out of 10. Fun until you realize they're probably doing the same to you.

Did you know there's a group of people who distribute packets of milk very early in the morning at Mombasa CBD to the homeless sleeping in the streets, even before they get to wake up? I thought you should know. They are anonymous. They don't take all the glory/credit in public. They don't brag about it. Incase you are wondering why give them milk instead of shelter or just feed them throughout the day, maybe you should wonder about what you've done for them. Are you the kind who drops a coin for them, buy them food and water, at least think of offering them shelter or you are the kind who curses and feel irritated just by sighting them!!!
Something like, "Hawa nao, kila siku omba omba. Si huyu mikono yake mizima aso lima, fua, shona..." Give them a shamba to cultivate, let them do your laundry, then pay them.
NB: Not judging here. Also, it's not a competition.

You go clubbing, your parents don't know about it. Now you want to ask me if clubbing is wrong, if having fun is wrong. Well, tell it to your parents first then come question me. I am not being a sadist. Carry on child. TGIF thingy.

Oh look! The backyard smells awful. This is because he forgot to dig deep for the dead bodies.

You have a boyfriend, he happens to be living with his parents just as you. Both fresh from high school. Lovebirds giving each other Willy Pauls' JIGIJIGI thingy and you don't say, the rubber never excites him! One two three, it's baby love and the next thing you know BOOM, you're pregnant and just a day to join college. You console yoursleves how you both are young, how the baby will have it rough, how your parents will disown you and so many other I don't know what IF'S so you end up opting for abortion.

You have a beautiful wife with four kids whom you happen to love so much, at least that's what you tell them. Then there is also Mary, a girl you take out for treats. She is the exact same age as your second born daughter, they actually go to the same campus and share some lectures. You pay for her tuition fee and do basic shopping for her mother. Your 15 year-old son asks for a study laptop from you ---Boy I got my first phone when I was joining college. Okay, so your son requests for the laptop and your response goes something like, "Boy I already paid for your tuition just the other day, you kids aren't grateful nowadays. Do you know I had to school bare-footed, nothing like computers or smartphones back in the day. Also..." bla bla bla! I stop you right there Mr. Sponsor. There you have it, back in your day. Which century was that again? Speaking of Centuries, I'm one of the cool kids born in the late 80's and early 90's (early 90's end at 1993, do not argue) I've lived to see two centuries. I was already in school (year 2000) only too exited to notice at that time because I was all caught up for the Christmas and new year celebrations!

So, what if it happens to leak out, all what you have been doing in secrecy! Would you be proud of yourself? Would you hate yourself and wish the world would literally swallow you? Just what if...

I hope you feel better dropping the "I am proud of myself" line. That's just basically all I've been trying to say here.



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