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So, at one point in my life, I worked in the print media hoping to get myself through to the TV.  I managed to get some of my articles published with my own byline. ( Treeza can testify to this. hehe.)Well that's a story for another day.
This particular one i wrote on 29/1/2014. Titled it THE COMMON BEACH WEAR IN RELATION TO OUR HEALTH, got itself published through so today I'll just give it a small touch. My articles always paved way in the LIFESTYLE column in the newspaper.
Oh and by the way, Owiti Samwel, I call him Witty (I'll definitely write about him someday so relax), has been one of my loyal 'fans' throughout my print and radio experience. ( I just wanted to point it out to feel good. lol)

Most of us choose to purchase used clothing for a variety of reasons. It can be down to them being cheaper than having to purchase new clothing fresh off the rack or it can be down to many having a preference of vintage clothing which has been passed down a number of people which gives a fashionable look of wear and tear. 

Have you ever thought about the effect of putting on second-hand clothes especially inner wear?
Well, no matter how thoroughly people claim to wash them, I am still for the opinion that inner clothing should never be that of second-hand.

" But East African countries could ban imports of used clothes and second-hand cars, putting an end to a lucrative trade in the region. Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda could all ban second-hand clothes and leather.They make up the East Africa Community (EAC).The EAC directed member countries to buy their textiles and shoes from within the region with a view to phasing out imports by 2019. However, the newspaper The East African reports that it depends on the five countries' heads of states all agreeing to a common industrialization policy. It adds that the proposal suggests a ban would only come in after an increase in local textile production.The idea is to give a boost to local manufacturing, and help the economy. One argument is that the imported clothes are so cheap that the local textiles factories and self-employed tailors can't compete, so they either close down or don't do as well as they could."

How on earth does somebody put on an inner wear without having any clue of healthy whereabouts of the person they come from? Why would you want to cause harm to yourself and health? What could possibly be wrong with buying fresh and new inner wear from boutiques? Have you never heard of the possible transmitted infections? Those are just but a few questions you should be analyzing before thinking of buying second-hand inner wear.

The most common types of diseases which can be transmitted through clothing are: body lice (well...), chicken pox, gonorrhea, syphilis and hepatitis. If they are not dealt with by a doctor immediately, then you may face some complications down the line.

For instance, the swimming costumes and bikinis being rented at the beach, how sure are you that they are well washed with detergents? Take for example during a high season where tourists both from locally and internationally storm in a large number at the beaches, now will the people renting the costumes focus on washing them after use or focus on quickly getting another customer for rent.! There is possibly no time for them to do the washing. And as much as they also claim to wash them, I cannot buy that idea from them.
But, it is very important to make sure the clothing is properly washed to avoid any diseases from being able to multiply and transfer to your body. Again, when washing the clothing, it is important to use a strong detergent as this makes sure that the germs on the clothing are properly combated against and dealt with.

It is also said that the salty beach water is medication for wounds whether fresh or healing ones. As much as this might be true, focus on the deadly  transmitted infections that people might be having and through sharing personal items such as inner wear is one of the ways of transmitting such infections from one person to another. When people find out that you have such a disease (more so the STD s), they will possibly assume of the main way of transmission, sex, which most people find it embarrassing. No one will ever think that you cut yourself with an infected razor blade or shared inner wear with an infected person.

Underwear covers the private parts, the part of your body where you are likely to develop infections. Whether it's a yeast infection, a urinary tract infection or even herpes, a surprising number of people suffer from infections in their genitals.
Remember; viruses, yeast and bacteria love to live in warm and moist places. When you get in the pool for a swim, the bikini stays wet for long after you get out.  All the time the bikini is damp, it's rubbing up against your private parts and increasing the risk of these pathogens forming.

Of course not all infections are communicable but the bacteria that cause the infection may linger on the bikini. When you put in on, you may end up with far more bacteria, fungi or viruses than you might like. The risk of infection is much higher and it's all thanks to that bikini.

As much as this article is contradicting rather raising some question marks, I jotted it down anyway. By the way, what about the chlorine and bromine they add in swimming pools? Of course I know they fight germs. Swimming without them could be like swimming in a petri dish, exposing people to all sorts of potentially nasty microbes, experts say. I do not know about the relation between the pool chlorine and cleaning out germs in secondhand worn undergarments. So i leave it at that. Someone expound on it for me please. 

To be on the safe side since prevention is better than cure, buy brand new shorts that you can put on when swimming rather than risking your health for life by having a fun moment of less than 3 hours of swimming. 

You should never wear anyone's' undergarments next to your private parts as you do not want to risk their bacteria or yeast living in their genitals spread to yours.

Your health is more important than any fun you will possibly ever have in life.


  1. A piece indeed. Thumbs up Muli. Am on a mission of buying the pure cotton lingeries from the supermarket in bulk; for me and my sweetheart

  2. Nice article especially the part where you mentioned a fan somebody Samwel good touch.
    But about 2nd hand clothes we been having this debate for ages and I don't think its really a big deal as most people put throw a spanner in this we all have been brought up wearing 2nd hand clothes and undergarments no one has actually died from this.
    I looked it up and the clothes actually undergo cleansing processes to eliminate common transmitted diseases ...I mean I have never heard someone catch an STI from wearing a used Gucci underwear which costs an arm and a leg at the local stores and let me not get started on the millions of jobs that could be potentially lost if indeed we intend to ban importation of under garments or used clothing as a whole

    1. We already had this convo before i saw this comment here.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks homie...hehe i know you've seen yourself there!


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