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Showing posts from May, 2017


" Every time I get my period, it is just like a green light saying - you're not pregnant, carry on girl!" LOL So, the last time I updated, it was on the abortion issue and that if women cannot back out of pregnancies then men shouldn't be able to either. I got quite some reactions. Personally. Well, if you haven't had a read yet, you can peek so we could be on the same page here. Sexually transmitted infections are on the rise among all age groups, as is the abortion rate. But wait, today, in my country, or is it just in the circle of people I happen to know? Well, the number of single parents, more so mothers, has risen. Or do I say trending! It is a lifestyle now. It is as if there is something compulsive about playing the lottery of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection. I wonder whether unprotected sex is one of the ways in which young people unconsciously explore their anxieties. Young people aren't stupid. Okay, they get dr...


People say adoption beats abortion. Well...what about the large number of children waiting to be adopted? And the ones who do not get adopted? Also, many people do not understand the psychological effects of not having that nurturing parent around. It truly messes kids up for life. What a sad life to live in an orphanage with no family or parents! If they make abortions illegal, they should make it illegal for men to desert women after getting them pregnant. If women cannot back out of pregnancies, men should not be able to either. On this fine day,I was running errands with my grandma and discreetly purchased a pregnancy test and ran to the washroom to take it. Immediately, it showed a positive result. I continued to walk around the store with her, tears streaming down my face, telling her that something in the store must have activated my allergies. Normally, I stay quiet, but not silent. I consider myself to be pretty responsible, maybe impulsive at times. My boyfrie...