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You spend most of your life at work. It is therefore better to be positive and friendly and enjoy working with those around you than being negative and dislike your co - workers. Positive relationships help you become happier in life, you also feel and act more positive.


  • Make sure you are not inadvertently making your office mate crazy with your personal habits. for instance, some people need to work in complete silence while others enjoy background music. It is important to understand and respect others for betterment of good working conditions.
  • BE KIND: In your free minute or during your short break, engage with your colleagues and see if they need help with anything. They will definitely, at one point, reciprocate and thus improve your working environment.
  • If you make an error, do not be quick to blame it on someone else or try to hide it. Acknowledge your mistake and make it clear that you will fix it.
  • SMILING HABIT: At times, it is difficult to be in a good mood when you are at work. After all, there's usually something else that you'd rather be doing. But then again,no one likes negativity, so try to display a positive attitude, take a deep breath and smile, instead of expressing your frustrations with anger.
  • It is totally acceptable to not be friends with everyone, but try to at least be professional and cordial in your interactions. You will definitely have to work with someone you do not like  rather you can't relate to. And it's likely that they know too well that the two of you aren't on the best terms. Don't assume that it is definite they do not work well with you because it is personal. Sometimes, maybe they do not have the aptitude for the job or don't have the training necessary to do a great job. Offer them a hand and you will view each other in a new light. Make the first move to improve the relationship by engaging them in a genuine conversation.
If you talk down to another employee, use sarcasm or sound nasty, the other employee hears you. When you talk with lack of respect, the message comes through loud and clear. Remember, the better our relationships at work, the happier and more productive we are going to be.

                          DEALING WITH OFFICE GOSSIP
First let us look at the possible type of gossipers there is:
  1. The Backstabber...a person you confide in who then uses the information against you.
  2. The Idler or the Busybody...a gossip who spreads rumors just to fill the void of being bored at work.
  3. The Complainer...a resentful, threatened or jealous co-worker who cannot stand a peer who received a promotion or bonus.
Office gossip can lead to a person getting fired or forcing you into a position where you feel like you need to quit. In order to handle this office gossip, first get a grip on where it's coming from, what's prompting it and how severe the damage to your professional reputation is and could be.

The only way you can use the rumor mill to your advantage is to take a step back and approach the situation calmly and with strength, which is definitely challenging but also vital to think rationally and strategically about the best response rather than to react and get defensive.

  • If you do not look forward to working with a particular colleague, your enthusiasm suffers, your morale suffers and ultimately productivity suffers.
Therefore you should:
  1. Learn how to appreciate a co-worker and maintain the good relationship.
  2. Learn how to deal with a co-worker acting coldly towards you without any apparent reason.
  3. Learn how to develop positive work relationship.                                                                                           
   All the above leads to: - Improved Teamwork. 
                                         Improved employee morale.
                                         Increased productivity.                                                                                                            


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