come lets put a smile on a childs face 13 counties are affected by poor long rains in Kenya today. More than 10,000 livestock have died in a span of 3 months in Ganze, kilifi county following a prolonged drought. Residents are forced to trek a distance of over 30km to reach Renji dam, which is now the only remaining source of water but also believed to be drying up quickly. Some residents claim that this situation has forced their children to drop out of school as they do not have money to cater schools due to the death of their livestock which is their their only revenue. KUTOA NI MOYO A survey by KNA in kaloleni, ganze and kilifi north earlier this year established a total crop failure as all maize planted during the months of April and may dried up immaturely. The kilifi county executive member in charge for agriculture, livestock development and fisheries, said the county is likely to face a severe shortage of food especially in semi-arid parts of Ga...
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